CUSTOMERS and traders in Nantwich's historic Market Hall have been feeling the heat. Several have passed out or felt faint because of the high temperature and lack of air.

Windows that opened were taken out several years ago and replaced with some that don't.

And traders report that business is wilting along with their produce. On really hot days the building is uncomfortable by 11am.

By the afternoon it has become a 'fan oven' according to Traders Secretary, Kevin Gibbs.

An industrial fan installed to provide some air simply moves the hot air around.

Environmental Health officers have been called in to find ways of cooling things down.

"I am currently investigating the possibilty of installing opening windows but this may take longer than normal as the hall is a listed building," said spokeswoman Dee Darwin.

"As an interim measure the industrial fans have been installed," she added.

The soaring temperatures have hit trade and many of the stallholders have been packing up early during the extra hot weather.

As temperatures soared to 35C last week customers dwindled and produce needing to be kept cool started to wilt.

"We had to throw away a lot of vegetables at the end of a day," said one trader.

"The fridges and freezers are all working extra hard so that generates even more heat. Customers just won't spend the time here. Normally they would come in and have a good look round, visiting quite a few stalls. In the heat they come in, get what they want and dash off," he added.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.