A MOTHER who had threatened suicide for almost as long as her son could remember finally "ended it all", an inquest heard at Warrington.

Irene Rathbone was found hanging at home in Highfield Road after leaving numerous notes telling where she wanted to be buried.

Son Kenneth told the inquest his mother, who died aged 77 leaving behind severely disabled husband William, had suffered from nerves all her life and often said one day she would "end it all".

She said it so regularly he would often dismiss it - even though she had tried to kill herself with some tablets when he was a teenager.

The day before Mrs Rathbone died, he visited to see how she was, but thought she was sleeping in her room and left.

Tragically, she had hanged herself with a belt from her dressing gown on the back of her door.

A post mortem examination revealed she had died of asphyxia by hanging.

Coroner Nicholas Rheinberg recorded a suicide verdict.

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