A P0LICE appeal to find runaway mum Ann Hulstrom was called off this week after she rang to say she was safe.

Her anxious family alerted detectives after she disappeared.

Mother-of-three Ann Hulstrom, 41, of Gloucester Road, Farnworth, has not been seen since June 13.

She has had several jobs, most recenty in an off-licence in Peelhouse Lane.

Before that, she spent several years working at Farnworth post office.

Her husband Derek and children, Kevin, 22, Melanie, 21 and Leanne, 16, were becoming increasingly concerned as no-one had seen or heard from her for seven weeks.

Her mother Eileen Hamilton said: "We just want to know that she is safe and well. We are worried."

Their fears were dispelled at the weekend when Ann telephoned the police on Saturday to say she was safe and well.

She did not disclose where she was.

Posters bearing her photograph had been circulated throughout Widnes and police had made a media appeal for her to get in touch.

Her dad Albert said: "At least we've got peace of mind now, knowing that she is safe and well."

Safe and well: Missing mum Ann

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