HAVE you got any spare time to walk a dog?

The Cinnamon Trust is the national charity for elderly and terminally ill people and their pets - and they're appealing for help in Halton.

They seek to keep owners and pet together for as long as possible with the help of a national network of volunteers who assist when any aspect of day to day care poses a problem.

Some volunteers also offer foster care of the pets in their own homes, when the elderly or terminally ill face a short spell in hospital.

The Trust also provides permanent home-from-home sanctuary for companion animals who outlive their owners.

Although they are always seeking volunteers in all parts of the country, they have a particular problem at present in the Widnes area.

A spokeswoman said: "An elderly lady is most concerned because she is no longer able to walk her dog, her only companion.

"We would like to arrange for a rota of people to help this lady but unfortunately do not have any volunteers close enough at the moment."

Potential volunteers can telephone for a registration form on 01736-757900 between 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.

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