For many years the 6th Knutsford Scout Group was represented only by a small group of cub scouts led by Lillian Bell.

There must be many young men now who owe their boyhood citizen's training to this sparkling lady.

At the executive meeting of the 6th Knutsford on January 15 1986, the committee was informed that the Longridge carnival committee had presented Lillian Bell with £100 in appreciation of all the hard work she had done for them.

In turn Lillian proposed to use the money to buy equipment for the cubs.

Mrs Bell was warmly thanked for her generosity and the group secretary was instructed to write to the carnival committee to thank them on behalf of the cubs.

In January 1987, the 6th Knutsford formed a troop of scouts with the appropriate leaders - in addition to Lillian's cub pack - and it was some time after this that Lillian resigned after years of sterling service and with the knowledge that her boys would be well taken care of by the new leaders.


Grove Park


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