Turfed out lock, stock and teapot at the end of last year, each group had to find alternative accommodation for their weekly meetings.

Not cheap either, although my group of lively enthusiastic energetic mainly octegenarians were fortunate that Knutsford Methodist offered their hall at a generous fee for our weekly dance.

I have a proposal for Macclesfield Borough Council and the developers.

Both parties know that our nearly half-a-century-old hut is on its last wooden legs, so let the developers pay Macclesfield Borough Council the £100,000 demanded and Macclesfield Borough Council give it straight back on condition the money is used for a super amenities building on the land.

This proposal is based on my worry about what the money might otherwise be used for.

I keep thinking about how much is needed for the upkeep of Macclesfield's amenities for their old folk, including two parks with bowling greens, cafes, etc.

I have another worry.

At the present rate of progress, in 10 years my group of lively enthusiastic, energetic, mainly nonagenarians might not have anywhere to hold our weekly dance!


Old Man


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