YOUNG drinkers - some aged just 14 - are being given their marching orders by police.

Pubs and clubs in the town centre are proving to be a magnet to teenage tipplers, leading to complaints about rowdy behaviour, criminal damage and people urinating in the street.

This has prompted licensing officials from police and the borough council and Trading Standards bosses, in association with licensees, to launch Operation Wasted next Friday, August 13.

The first phase of the initiative will see youngsters visiting pubs, suspected of being under 18, being asked to produce either a 'Prove It' card, verifying their age, or a passport.

Failure to comply with the request will result in the individual being refused entry, police are warning.

Even young-looking over-18s are being asked to co-operate - they could also be barred if they cannot prove their date of birth.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.