FIREFIGHTERS are warning the public to be on their guard after a spate of grass fires.

The cause of many of the blazes is unknown, but fire chiefs say they are often are started by carelessness. Discarded cigarettes and glass bottles may be to blame for many of the incidents, but barbecues and children playing with matches can also cause problems.

Station Officer Alan Wilson of Warrington Fire Station said: "If you are using anything that involves fire and sparks, such as a barbecue, we would advise you not to use it near open countryside.

"If you do, then have some way of extinguishing any sparks which land on the grass.

"We also advise people not to drop anything on the ground which could start a fire including cigarettes or glass bottles. The grass is like tinder and will burst into flames quicker than paper."

For more fire safety information call 639129.

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