WARRINGTON Male Voice Choir has voiced its support for the town's City for Peace bid by recording a specially commissioned composition called The River of Life.

The piece of music was written by highly respected composer Goff Richards to mark the choir's centenary in 1998, but one of its first official performances was just two weeks ago at the giant Eisteddfod festival in Llangollen where the Choir came fourth in the competition.

Choir spokesman Bob Williams said: "The words are based on the Book of Revelations and the verses portray a vision of a future when all nations can live together in peace and plenty.

"The composition is a tribute to all those people who work so hard, often without recognition, for peace in these islands and beyond."

Goff, of Stockton Heath, has worked with a number of orchestras, choirs and bands, as well as stars such as Tori Amos. He says he was delighted with the final result of The River of Life.

"I was thrilled to bits with it," he said, "and it was great to hear it being recorded for the City for Peace bid.

"The words are very appropriate and gave me lots of ideas for the music. It's very powerful"

When the town's bid for City status is handed in to Government at the beginning of September, a CD of the recording will be included.

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