A BIG cheese of the TV weather world made a special visit to a fan this week to drop off some pasteurised prizes.

Marlene Rutter, aged 57, of Lovely Lane, opened her door on Tuesday morning to find weatherman Fred Talbot clutching three champion cheeses!

Marlene won the Cheshire, Stilton and Lancashire cheeses in a phone-in after watching Fred visit the Nantwich Cheese Fair on Granada Tonight. Viewers were asked the question: Who invented the pasteurisation process?

Retired nurse Marlene is mad about cheese, so she knew the answer was Louis Pasteur - but she was amazed when Fred popped round in person to deliver her prize.

"Myself, my husband and son all absolutely love the stuff and Stilton's my favourite", said Marlene. "But we can't eat all this ourselves - we'll be giving some to friends and my husband will be on cheese sandwiches for a month!"

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