TWO new faces at the Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Trust say they are looking forward to the biggest challenge of their lives as they work towards the opening of the town's international peace centre.

Lynne McCadden has been appointed Business Development Manager and Kathy Wagner-Birtwistle is to be the local fund-raiser for the massive project which is due to open in March next year. The two women are based at new offices next to the Town Hall which have been loaned by Warrington Borough Council.

Mum-of-two Lynne, who lives in Altrincham, is a former journalist who had vast experience of the Troubles during her work with the Belfast Telegraph and BBC Belfast. She then moved to Brighton in Sussex, a town which has its own memories of an IRA bomb, as well as working for BBC Manchester, Radio Four and Five, and Channel Four.

"I covered some of the worst atrocities through the 1980s," she said, "including riots and bombings.

"I have just come back from Northern Ireland where I was covering a story about the 30th anniversary of troops going in. I was interviewing people who became involved as children and were reflecting on how their lives had changed. Suddenly I realised my own life had changed. I wanted to do something about it and contribute instead of just looking at it. When I opened up the paper there was the advert for the peace centre.

"This is the biggest challenge of my life, bigger than walking through a riot or producing a live broadcast."

Kathy, who lives with her husband and two children in Woolston, has her own experiences of the Troubles. She was in the town centre when the Bridge Street bombs exploded and witnessed the blood-soaked victims fleeing the scene. Her husband was also stationed in Belfast during his army career.

Kathy's background is in marketing and fund-raising, including work for an AIDS charity.

"The challenge keeps me going and gives me a buzz," she said.

"My mind is racing and I can't wait to get into work in the morning."

And the women both agree that the peace centre is about looking to the future.

"It's children we have got to get to," said Lynne, "and make sure they never experience anything like what has happened in Warrington or Northern Ireland."

Any businesses or individuals wishing to raise funds for the peace centre can contact Kathy or Lynne on 442068.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.