THE Queen Mother's Birthday awards have recognised two Warrington based companies for their achievements in making a lasting improvement to the environment.

North West Water and the Environmental Agency North West, will receive the awards in London on October 20.

George Ager, Area Manager of the agency said: "We are delighted to be nominated for the award which we won last year and are thankful for the recognition that is being given to the work on the river Mersey."

The Agency, based in Birchwood Boulevard, is currently concentrating on the improvement of the water quality and the general habitat along the Mersey including Warrington.

Colin South, the Waste Water Services Director for North West Water said: "We are very pleased to gain recognition for the hard work that we are carrying out on behalf of our customers and the environment."

The utilities giant, whose headquarters are in Lingley Green Avenue, is currently involved with the Warrington mains scheme which will see 85 kilometres of outdated mains renewed, benefiting 37,000 customers.

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