A WARRINGTON man has travelled thousands of miles back to his home town to honour his wife's last wishes.

Joe Horton emigrated from his home in Foster Street to Australia with his wife Violet back in 1972. The couple made a new life for themselves in Adelaide but never forgot their friends and family in the town where they grew up and returned many times for holidays.

Violet, aged 62, was suddenly taken ill last year and died on Christmas Day - just days after the couple's 44th wedding anniversary.

Joe said: "Two weeks before Violet passed away we had both discussed what we would like to happen when we died. She said that she would like to return to Warrington."

Devoted Joe has brought Violet's ashes back to the town and plans to fulfil his wife's last request in a very special way. Her ashes will be interred on the date and at the place where they first met.

"We met at Walton Hall Gardens on September 6, 1952. I will always remember it and I thought that would be the most appropriate time and place to honour Violet's wishes."

Joe hopes that everyone who knew Violet will be able to join him at the ceremony and at a reception afterwards.

He said: "I want people to be able to meet up to remember Violet and the town that she loved."

The ceremony to remember Violet will take place at Walton Hall on Monday, September 6. Friends wishing to pay their respects are asked to meet at the gates at 1pm. The short service will be followed by a reception at The Highwayman, on Manchester Road.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.