MARILYN Monroe and Madonna share the bill with James Dean and John Wayne next month at a novel celebration of the silver screen.

The two movie stars feature in Screen Fever, an affectionate and often humorous look at cinema by poet John Lindley.

Movie music and dialogue will be used to add atmosphere to the evening at Congleton Library on September 3, which John hopes will be a launchpad for a series of such events.

He is also looking to approach the BBC to see if they would be interested in putting Screen Fever out on air.

John, pictured above, comes from Albert Place, Congleton, and is a member of Congleton Writers' Forum.

"I have written between 500 and 600 poems since starting as a teenager, including 25 to 30 about films," said John.

"The evening will appeal to a poetry audience, but hopefully also to people who would not normally have considered coming along to a reading and will find it a new and enjoyable experience."

Screen Fever starts at 7.30pm, and tickets are available from Congleton Information Centre.

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