THE price of petrol is dominating the news headlines. It is having a devastating effect on the low-paid, people in rural areas and road hauliers.

Gordon Brown is committing highway robbery, making it more and more difficult for millions of people to travel so that he can boost his coffers.

Labour's fuel tax hikes must come to an end.

Britain has the most expensive petrol in Europe. The reason is not the action of oil companies but Labour' stealth taxes. We have the cheapest pre-tax petrol of all EU countries, save Germany.

At the last Budget, Gordon Brown pretended that he was only raising petrol by inflation but he has been fiddling the figures.

The average motorist is spending around £350 more per year for their fuel under Labour. Petrol is fast becoming the biggest household expenditure - ahead of even mortgage payments or food. The increasing price of petrol is forcing residents of rural areas to spend more of their income on fuel.

Prime Minister Blair has made the bogus claim that he would have to cut health spending if petrol tax comes down. If this is the case then why does he continue to charge fuel duty on the petrol that ambulances use? This tax took £18.5 million from the NHS last year - the same as 2,500 hip operations.

Gordon Brown's persecution of the British driver is just further evidence that Labour are all spin and no delivery. They promised not to increase taxes and then hike them up year on year. Gordon Brown's 'highway robbery' must end.

Donald Potter

Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

Conservative Party.

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