CREWE Swimming Baths would not be your first thought as the venue for a Surfers' Paradise.

However, it certainly looks set to become one with the launch of the new Internet Cafe at the building on Flag Lane, Crewe.

The project is the first of four similar facilities to be built in the area and has come to fruition through South Cheshire College and Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council.

This centre has been put in place as part of the Adapt project which is being run by the college and aims to use the centres to tackle unemployment and help business in the area.

Adapt Project Co-ordinator with South Cheshire College, Nicola Lavin, explained: "The recently redundant and small and medium enterprises are the two target groups of the European Social Fund which has funded the project."

The centre at Crewe Baths has been designed to tackle unemployment and the other three centres are to be built in the area with the first small business centre being based at Crewe Alexandra.

The other two centres have not yet been sited.

It is not just the unemployed who can benefit from the centre at Crewe Baths as it is also to be opened to the public at no charge.

Nicola believes this is a golden opportunity for the people in the borough: "It is an excellent opportunity for people to get familiar with the Internet in a friendly environment and it is a chance for some people to overcome some of those barriers people have towards it."

The facility at Crewe Baths has space for 10 people and is used for the adapt project on Thursdays and Fridays between 9.30am and 4.30pm. Other than this it is open for free public use.

The Adapt project will also provide advisors for the unemployed with the chance to develop a career and training development plan.

Anyone can use the facility as long as they have been redundant less than six months and the scheme also pays expenses for travel.

Nicola added: "It is a chance for people to take the latest computer classes, gain the European computer driving licence, get help with CVs and also confidence building and personal training advice.

"The other facilities will also help small and medium businesses to expand and employ a large number of people," she added.

The council is also involved with the project and has helped to fund it in terms of its time and also the donation of the swimming pool as a location for the first facility.

Speaking at the launch Head of Leisure Services, Jayne Wright, said: "The latest IT facilities are available to members of the public and it is nice to say at no charge, to initially gain access to the Internet in a convenient and friendly environment."

"It is intended in the future to expand the project to include basic IT training for residents and the Surfers Paradise enables further learning opportunities for all to enjoy which today is very much part of the council's philosophy," she added.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.