A NEW residential development in Wrenbury has become an asset to the village.

The staggering transformation at Fairview has been well received by members of the community.

Almost 12 months ago the park was acquired by new owners eager to completely change its image.

Proprietor Issacc Stewart said: "The area was unsafe and really run down.

"We've completely redeveloped the area from the ground up to the very highest of standards.

Twelve new homes are now situated on the area, all fully serviced with private parking areas and landscaped lawns and gardens.

"I've always wanted to get into this business and this place had potential so it thought I would give it a chance," said Mr Stewart.

Local Cllr Mrs Anne Conlan said the new Fairview was a big improvement.

"It wasn't an attractive site and now it looks splendid," she said. "I know they have invested a lot of time and money into it.

"People in the village seem quite pleased with it."

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