CELEBRATIONS for the Queen Mother's 100th birthday reached as far north as Crewe last week.

A party was held in the Mayor's chambers partly for the Queen Mum but also for the borough's senior citizens.

The Mayor met Eva Tew and Annie Hillier who are both from Crewe and are both approaching their 100th birthdays.

Also attending the party was 103-year-old Emma Hewitt from Hough.

Twenty borough residents aged 90 plus were present and enjoyed live music and lunch in the council chambers before watching live the celebrations in London.

Borough Mayor, Councillor Barbara Bickerton, said: "On this once in a lifetime occasion for the Queen Mum we are creating a true party atmosphere for our guests to help them celebrate her many proud achievements."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.