A SINGING and dancing tribute to brave youngster Shaun Kettle is to be staged this weekend to raise money in his memory.

The event will involve many local people and also members of the Yvonne School of Dancing, of which cystic fibrosis sufferer, Shaun was a member.

Courageous teenager Shaun lost his battle for life at the end of March this year after waiting months for a triple transplant to replace his heart, lungs and liver.

Now the money from the evening will go towards the Cystic Fibrosis unit at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester, where Shaun died.

The evening is to be held this Sunday, August 13, at the Meredith Centre on Meredith Street in Crewe and will feature entertainment from members of local group Musical Mayhem, pictured above, who will perform a Charity Cabaret.

The whole group knew Shaun personally and have performed with him many times in the past.

Shaun's mum, Lorraine, said: "I would just like to thank everyone who is involved with the evening for all their support and kindness in raising money for Shaun's memory."

There will also be an S Club 7 tribute and popular comedy act Lark and Lee as well as guest artists.

Tickets for the event are priced at £3 but additional donations can also be made, more information is available on 257754.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.