CHESHIRE Constabulary is hoping to net more visits to its website with the launch of their award-winning new cars.

The new car insignia will have the Force internet address emblazened across their sides in bold blue lettering.

it will also boast state of the art reflective markings that will make police cars more visible from a greater distance and improve road safety.

The rebranding, including the address, of 150 vehicles will be carried out on a rolling basis.

The programme to upgrade and enhance the cars over the next few years is aimed at bringing an improved identity to the Force's fleet while enhancing the vehicle's road safety qualities.

Assistant Chief Constable John Dwyer said: "People need to identify our vehicles at a glance and this improved insignia will help considerably."

John Heussi, from the Force fleet management unit added: "Advertising our web address on our cars is an excellent way to communicate to the thousands of people who see our cars day in and day out across the county."

Cheshire Constabulary picked up Law and Order magazine's best International Police Vehicle Design Contest for its efforts, on Monday.

The award recognises the cars have world-class designs, are easily recognisable and functional and demonstrate a rigorous maintence programme.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.