PREPARATIONS for the Nantwich Folk and Roots festival are well under way.

The festival takes place between Friday, August 18, and Sunday 20 and follows on from the town's successful Arts Festival.

The main events will be the Friday night extravaganza at the Civic Hall in Nantwich featuring Oysterband and Tower Struck Down as well as the talents of Victoria Hogg, a 17-year-old singer and songwriter from Derbyshire.

Mill Island hosts the Saturday and Sunday events with gates opening at 11am and musicians from six countries appearing including DJ Mark Radcliffe's band, The Family Mahone, a tribe of Pigmies from Cameroon in West Africa and acts from Australia, Ireland and America.

Many of the local pubs will be featuring live music and jugglers, entertainers and the now-famous Grommet will all be about on the Saturday and Sunday on Mill Island.

There will also be a workshop tent which will offer friendly advice and teaching to anyone who is interested.

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