THE controversial plans for a ten metre high airdome to be built in Shavington have been approved by the full borough council.

However at the meeting last week the plans have been made subject to various stringent conditions to do with road safety and green gap land.

The plans were submitted on behalf of Crewe Alexandra Football Club and will allow the club to remain within the Football Association's School of Excellence but the issues of road safety have delayed development.

Other issues raised by residents include the increased disturbance from floodlighting and the visual intrusion onto the landscape by the airdome which will be built at the club's centre near to Gresty Road in Shavington.

The problems have arisen because of the current traffic speed and congestion problems on Gresty Road and residents fear the increased traffic caused by the improvements will cause further hazards.

The club has now been instructed to work closely with the the borough and county councils as well as the highways agency to ensure that crucial road safety features are put in place.

These include a pedestrian footpath onto the site, a bus lay-by, a protected right turn into the site and a pedestrian island.

The planning aspects are also to be worked around the new Shavington bypass.

Deputy Leader of the council, Cllr Maureen Grant, said: "Obviously it is very important that we do everything possible to help Crewe Alexandra retain its academy status."

"The safety of people visiting or passing the development is naturally of prime importance and the club must show that they can address these issues before being able to go forward," she added.

Crewe Alexandra manager, Dario Gradi, commented: "I am delighted, it is vital to our continued progress and even the objectors will see what an advantage it will be for the club."

"I am sure that the traffic problem will be solved and the community will benefit from the dome as well," he added.

Local councillor Maggie Jones added: "I am pleased that a pedestrian crossing, refuge and footpath will also be a part of the agreement."

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