STEVE Shaughnessy says that he is surprised to find himself in charge at Winsford United this week - but adds that he can't wait for the new season to start.

With just two weeks to go before the big kick-off, Shaughnessy had expected to be part of Kevin Tully's side pushing for an immediate return to the UniBond Premier Division.

Instead, Shaughnessy now finds himself at the helm following Tully's sudden departure, but it is a challenge which the striker is relishing.

"It did come as a shock when Kevin left because we had been doing pre-season work and I'd had no indication of the problems he was having," Shaughnessy said.

"But I'm certainly looking forward to the challenge ahead. I feel like I have woken up on Christmas morning."

Shaughnessy turned down the manager's job at Barton Stadium following Dalton Steele's departure last year, but this time round he was happy to accept the position.

He explained: "Last year my partner had just had a little girl and I didn't feel that I could give the club the time which the job demanded.

"Now though my little girl is a bit older and I felt that the time was right to take on the job."

Shaughnessy says that he is happy with the quality of the squad he has inherited from Tully, but he will be looking to make a few additions before the opening league game against Harrogate Town at Barton Stadium on August 19.

"It's a strong squad, but I'm well aware that we don't have a divine right to go back up to the UniBond Premier," Shaughnessy said.

"There are no easy games in UniBond One, but everyone at the club seems a lot more positive now and we are starting to get some interest going in the town again."

Shaughnessy will be giving some new faces a chance to impress in tonight's (Wednesday) friendly against one of his former sides, Maine Road, at Barton Stadium (7.30pm).

The final pre-season game is Friday's home clash against Oldham Athletic (7pm), in which Shaughnessy will field the side with which he expects to start the season.

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