GRATUITOUS amounts of male flesh will soon be on display in Winsford but thankfully it's all in a good cause.

In a 'Full Monty' style ladies evening two male strippers, LA Dream and Escape, will take to the stage at the White Swan pub and bare all in aid of Toc H, a charity which offers support to families under pressure.

Organiser Chris Hughes, a volunteer with Toc H, said: "We were looking at ways of raising money again and it was the landlady who said why don't they have a ladies night because it brings the punters in."

The rest is history and the semi-clad duo will be appearing on August 18, with the fun starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets are available from the White Swan in Wharton, priced £6.

For more information ring 01606 558686.

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