A POLITICAL row has erupted over the proposals for a new swimming pool in Middlewich.

Lib Dem town and borough Clr John Brown claims that Conservatives are trying to sabotage the plans which include new homes, a supermarket and leisure centre.

The town council met with Jokaro, the company behind the plans, and welcomed the proposal.

But Clr Brown believes Tory councillors are trying to put a spanner in the works.

"They have complained about secret talks, but that is the way these things have to be done at such an early stage," he said.

"They have said we must check with local shopkeepers regarding the supermarket, but ignored the fact that a survey indicated 70 percent of people want it.

"They are rattling the cage when proceedings are at a delicate stage. At best this is naivety and at worst it is sabotage."

Conservative Town and Borough Clr Dave Sutton said he was shocked and angered by the accusations.

He added: "It's disgusting. We've been asked for our comments as town councillors and that's what we are giving.

"This is not a political issue. We all want the pool and we are all working for it. We will only get one chance and we want to make sure we get it right.

"I've bitten my lip on political issues because of my position as mayor and I think this attack is unfair."

Leader of Congleton Borough Council, Linda Short, said: "This is sour grapes because we are delivering what we said we would."

Independent Clr Anna Usherwood said she had concerns about the danger of killing the town centre, but added: "I'm surprised this is being looked at as a political issue.

"Everybody wants a swimming pool, but it can't be at the cost of the town centre. That is the point everyone is trying to make."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.