A WINSFORD family are making a desperate appeal for the return of a six-week-old Shetland Pony that was stolen over the weekend.

The pony is only the size of a dog and completely dependant on its mother. Owner Des Hurn says it will probably die if not returned very soon.

Mr Hurn came to check on the foal, which belongs to his five-year-old granddaughter, on Sunday morning, but it had disappeared.

"The mother is in a terribly distressed state and my granddaughter will be very upset when she finds out," he said.

"The pony is at a very delicate stage because it's so young, and there is a very good chance it will die if not looked after properly. It cannot even eat grass yet."

Mr Hurn keeps several horses on land at Woodford Lodge Industrial Estate. Although the foal is not particularly valuable, it is a novelty because it is so small.

Mr Hurn has reported the theft to the police, the RSPCA and the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses). Now he is calling on anyone who has any information to get in touch.

"If the foal was older I would not be so worried because I know it would be OK ," said Mr Hurn. "But it is in real danger so if anyone knows anything, please ring and everything will be kept in the strictest confidence."

Anyone with information should ring police on 01606 48000 or Mr Hurn on 01606 556084.

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