IT was a long and nostalgic journey for Estelle McNair as she travelled from Sussex to Middlewich last Saturday.

For Mrs McNair arrived in the town with her son Duncan to try to find the house where she stayed during the Second World War with her husband, war hero Squadron Leader Robin McNair.

Sqd Ldr McNair, who died in 1996, was one of the most famous and courageous fighter pilots of the war and, amongst many other victories, is widely believed to be the man who blew up Rommel.

"He was stationed at RAF Cranage and lived in Middlewich for around nine months just after the Battle of Britain," said son Duncan. "We are travelling to Scotland and mother wanted to come back to Middlewich as she has not been here since they both left in 1941."

The McNairs are staying with Mike Collins in Frodsham while they search for the house. Mr Collins' father, Sqd Ldr Jack Collins was a great friend of Sqd Ldr McNair.

Both men were awarded the DFC and bar.

Mr McNair said: "My mother loved coming back to the town as it brought back so many memories for her. In particular, after dad had shot down a German bomber, the butcher asked if it was her husband who had done it. When she said it was he gave her some extra free sausages!

"It is just a shame that we have not been able to find the house where they lived. If anyone could help us we would be delighted."

Mrs McNair remembers the house as being six or seven minutes walk from the town centre. It was owned by a Mr and Mrs Hough who had three children and was on a street with small similar houses on each side of the road.

If anyone thinks they know who the Houghs were, then ring Mr McNair on 0208 9987777.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.