ANGLER Alan Whitelegg reeled in the catch of his life during a trip to Devon - a 22.5lb trout!

Alan, of Common Lane, Lach Dennis, made his dream catch while angling at the Tavistock Trout Farm and Fishery with his friend Geoff Carter.

"It took about 15 to 20 minutes to reel it in," said Alan, who was fishing on gold bead, using a new rod and reel he had bought from Dave's in Middlewich.

"As soon as I had cast I saw it grab the fly and I realised that it was big.

"The biggest trout ever caught in the world is 34lb, so that shows you just how big this one is."

The monster trout is by far the biggest fish that Alan has ever caught - but just two days later he went back to the same fishery and caught another trout weighing 11lb.

The fishery presented Alan with a special award, which it gives to any angler catching a fish of more than 20lb.

He still has the huge trout, but is looking to donate it to charity.

"I was going to have it mounted, but it costs too much," Alan said.

"Any charity that wants to take it and use it as a prize can do so by contacting me on 46241."

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