NORTHWICH'S Festival of Sport 2000 looks to be just as impressive as in previous years, with new attractions being added to the old favourites.

The Territorial Army will be putting on an action-packed display, but exactly what they will be doing is a secret they are keeping well under their helmets.

Another new attraction is the Mayor's Charity Challenge, which will involve teams competing in various sporting exercises, including basketball, football and hockey.

But as ever, the main attraction will be the Cheshire Strongman Competition.

The gruelling challenge has been an institution at the festival since it was established in 1985, and with prize money of more than £500 up for grabs, spread across all six events, it should be more competitive than ever.

Organiser Tim Wilding said: "Last year Paul Heyes had already won outright by the time we got to the last event, the truck pull.

"This time every competitor will have to fight it out to get the maximum prize money, which could be as high as £350 for the outright champion if he finishes first in every event."

But there is something at the festival for everyone, because on top of the sporting action there are a whole host of sideshows and activities, including Danny Zapparelli who will be there to entertain with his Ten Foot Unicycle Show.

The festival will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, August 28, starting at noon, at Moss Farm Recreation Centre.

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