A WALKER has slammed three men who ignored his cries for help as he suffered a stroke.

Dudley Shields, of Victoria Road, was walking his two dogs when he collapsed in the middle of a wooded area, near Marbury Lane, last Tuesday night.

"My legs suddenly buckled causing me to fall down, I lost the use of both my right arm and speech, and became disorientated," he said.

Mr Shields, 55, tumbled into a bunch of nettles - but claims he was ignored by fellow walkers three times.

They all walked straight past him without offering any assistance.

"My eyes were rolling and I was staggering like a drunken man but no one paid any attention," he said.

"The least they could have done was ask if I was alright - but to completely ignore me when they were no more than two feet away really takes the biscuit."

After regaining consciousness he managed to stumble to his girlfriend's house, in Oak Street, who immediately called for an ambulance.

But speaking from his home yesterday, Tuesday, after being discharged from Leighton Hospital, Mr Shields said, although the stroke was a minor one, it was a miracle he was still alive.

"In this age of the mobile 'phone a quick call could have saved the day and averted further injury," he said.

"But it's an extraordinary trait in British people that they are not willing to get involved when something like this happens."

He added: "Should this happen to anyone else please do not rely on any passing Good Samaritan for help."

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