POLICE are hunting a cheeky graffiti artist who has struck in Rudheath - and is boasting of his talents on the internet.

The vandal, known as Dust, has already left his mark with spray paint murals under a canal bridge near Morrison's warehouse.

And now he is using Rudheath as a canvas and has set up his own web site which features other graffiti artists and their work.

Insp David Griffin said: "This kind of vandalism is criminal damage that can result in a crown court hearing and 10 years in prison.

"It is damaging to the environment and spoils our quality of life."

Police are concerned the graffiti could spread by influencing youngsters through the internet.

Rudheath's Vale Royal borough councillor Tony Lawrinson added: "I am horrified. The council and Rudheath's residents consider the area to be a presentable place and we want to keep it that way."

The police also argued that the vast majority of people hold the view that this is not art and it could blight Northwich.

Director Nick Hughes, of the Development of Art in Northwich, added: "Some graffiti can be regarded as art but when it is done on street walls and in public places without authority it becomes vandalism.

"There are cases when such work can brighten up areas if it's authorised and done by students on hoardings and subways, but this is a different matter."

Any witnesses who have seen Dust or know his true identity are urged to call Northwich police on 01606 48000.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.