Cheshire County Council has been trying to persuade site owner Crogan Peat Ltd to extract peat using a more environmentally friendly approach since environmental legislation was brought in four years ago.

The authority, which carried out a site inspection last week, has been considering the recommendations for modern working conditions from environmental experts.

The environment committee hopes to have all the survey information by next month.

"The legislation was an attempt to bring companies up-to-date in their practices, but it didn't give councillors any strength," said Cty Clr Alan Barnes.

"It is not an intention to prevent them carrying on their work. It's more to persuade them to accept new working conditions."

Crogan Peat, which has a licence to continue extracting peat until 2040, could claim compensation for commercial loss if new conditions are imposed.

But the company said in March that Lindlow Moss would be donated to a conservation group if their plans to build houses on Saltersley Common were approved.

A spokesman for Macclesfield Borough Council said yesterday the application to build 90 houses was due to be withdrawn because Crogan Peat intended to seek permission for fewer homes.

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