Jez Quigley's murder trial was shot at the Sessions House in Toft Road.

"We chose Knutsford as the location because we wanted a traditional looking court house to help carry the drama of the trial," said Alison Sinclair, a spokesman for Granada TV.

Two of the soap's stars - including Steve MacDonald and Natalie Barnes - came to town over two weekends for filming.

Viewers will see the corridors and courtroom inside the court house but the exterior building will not be shown on television.

The trial is being broadcast all this week with the nail-biting verdict expected on Friday.

Jez, played by Lee Boardman, is charged with murdering Natalie's son Tony Horrocks after his body was found on a building site.

Granada were not giving anything away yesterday.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.