Robin Marsh, 62, claimed the trains were now speeding even faster by his Springwood Avenue home.

"The tremors are getting worse because the trains are going faster," he said. "They shake our house like you wouldn't believe."

Railtrack have laid a new seamless track at Parkgate to reduce the vibrations of passing trains.

During the works a speed restriction of 40 mph was imposed and now that has been increased to 60 mph.

But residents living near the track between Montmorency Close and Parkgate said they were still waiting for the new track.

Clr Wilson Hamman has received countless complaints from his ward constituents since Railtrack increased the speed limit.

He said he could not understand why the rest of the track could not be upgraded to help deaden the tremors.

"There is a quarter of a mile of track that needs replacing and I can't understand why Railtrack can't just get on with it," he said.

"There is a two-year programme to replace old wagons which make the tremors worse but changing the track would help in the mean time."

Mr Marsh said on Monday he was 'sick and tired' of phoning Railtrack to find out when the improvements would be made.

"They don't tell you anything because they just don't care," he said. "I know Clr Hamman has tried to help but if he can't do anything then who can?"

Railtrack was unavailable for comment as the Guardian went to press.

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