I AM writing this letter in the hope that it will make ignorant, inconsiderate motorists aware of the needs of disabled residents everywhere.

I am a resident of Liverpool Road, Widnes and have a disabled daughter. I recently approached Halton Council and asked for a disabled parking bay to be placed outside my house. Halton Council were very helpful and said they could only provide me with an 'H' bar. This, they advised, was also put outside Doctors' and Nurses' homes where parking was difficult. Therefore, I would have to rely on people being familiar with the Highway Code and not parking on the sign.

This was done by the council but, lo and behold, to no avail. I have neighbours, residents and visitors all parking on it. By residents, I mean people from further down Liverpool Road who cannot park outside their own houses. We are still unable to park outside our own house on the 'H' bar and my daughter is still virtually a 'prisoner' in her own home.

Perhaps these ignorant people should think of how they would feel if they were in the same position.

Barbara Willcott, Widnes

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