If LHT and CDS cannot say how many new homes are to be built on Castlefields as a result of their Demolition Programme then we must assume one of two things.

Either they do not have a clue as to how to implement their proposals, or they are working to a hidden agenda by giving tenants disinformation.

Ideally, by now, new properties should be under construction but there is not land available to build on until demolition takes place so where are displaced residents going to go in the meantime?

If re-let properties only are to be used, the scheme will drag on for years and Castlefields will be blighted far into the future.

The land released by demolition of the nine blocks mentioned is limited and a large number of new flats would have to be built to keep the number of homes on the estate at their present level.

In other words the flats would be replaced by a development including similar properties to those being knocked down.

What a waste of time and money!

LHT and CDS claim to have massive support for this project.

This is not true as only 15 per cent of tenants, who voted, wanted partial demolition, 74 per cent voted for another option.

Is this democratic?

It is high time LHT and CDS came clean and told us the truth.

I do not trust them to deal with my future and I won't cooperate with them in any way.

I have been told that my home is to be demolished and the thought of either of these two cowboy outfits dealing with my re-housing fills me full of dread.

R Flood, Ferryview Walk, Castlefields.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.