SIXTEEN young girls from a children's home in Portugal visited Halton this week - on an exchange trip.

They were welcomed to the borough at a civic reception in Runcorn Town Hall, hosted by deputy Mayor, Cllr Chris Loftus.

They met young people from Halton, youth workers and council members and officers.

The girls, aged 13-19, are from the Lar Santa Isabel children's home in Leiria, Halton's twin town.

They are accompanied by Joaquim Manuel Filipe Guarda, director of the home and three monitors.

It follows a visit by young women and youth workers from Widnes and Runcorn to Portugal last year.

The main themes of this week-long trip are homelessness, the care system and provision for young people.

The girls are visiting Halton YMCA, the Synergy youth project, a social services family centre, Halton College, Ditton youth cenre and the Warrington peace centre.

The visit is being co-ordinated by Brian Sweeney from the council's youth service.

It is partly funded by a grant from the Youth Exchange Council.

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