ELDERLY residents were this week warned to be on their guard after a dubious caller conned a woman in her own home.

The old lady was approached by a man this week, offering to cut the grass in her front garden.

She agreed and was astonished when he asked for £120.

It took him about two hours to complete the work but he left the cuttings behind.

The lady paid the man who is described as white, 40 years old, of scruffy appearance with short dark hair.

He had a local accent and said he was from the Cronton area.

A couple of days later, the same lady was approached by another man, offering to weed her driveway.

This time, she asked for a price and was quoted a figure of £600!

The woman refused but the man only left after a threat to call the police.

This man was white, aged 30-35, with short dark hair. He spoke with a local accent and was wearing a dark coloured suit.

Police suspect the two visits may be connected.

Joe Buzza, Halton crime prevention officer, said: "It is recommended that all such offers of work are treated with caution and generally not taken up. If, however, an offer of work of this type is accepted, then agree a reasonable price, beforehand, and as far as possible, check the person's credentials and integrity before allowing any work to proceed.

"Clearly, the sums mentioned here were not reasonable."

For further advice, phone Joe Buzza on 01244 613752.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.