NORMAN Summers, Peter Deakin and Tesco would have had a better chance with their application for permission to build the new stadium and supermarket if the plans had included a grandiose entrance to the site, preferably ugly, paid for by the Borough. Our "planners", loyally supported by the councillors on the development control committee, seem to have three criteria which must be satisfied before any town centre proposal can be approved.

1. It must cost the borough a great deal of money.

2. It must include several lumps of stone and metal with strange shapes so that it can be considered arty.

3. No-one living in Warrington wants it.

Leaving the site as it is would qualify if permission were needed. Loss of rate income from store and stadium satisfies the first point. The odd bits of rubble and litter could do very well for the second (they're more artistic than some of the barmy junk we're getting foisted on us). And none of us want the present eyesore to remain so that covers number 3.


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.