I AM bitterly disappointed and obviously upset about the loss of a wonderful school. I'm honestly concerned about the future of the teaching staff who have made my child's educational life so enjoyable. I'm distressed about the issues currently surrounding St James' School and the potential impact this may have on the attending children. I'm concerned about the damage that has been caused between the two communities involved and most of all, though, I'm bitterly disappointed in a process that has been orchestrated by politicians who are supposed to be representing the people who voted for them.

I am bitterly disappointed in a process that is supposed to provide consultation and discussion about a serious subject, but actually only pays 'lip-service' to those involved. A process that is dictated by those who are being reasonably opposed in their decision. A process in which democracy has been thrown aside to allow people who have made mistakes to hide behind the all powerful 'shield' that is Warrington Council.

I am bitterly disappointed in a church that has provided its 'flock' with no protection from the 'wolves'. A church that stands to gain financially, but not morally, from this decision.

I am bitterly disappointed that a committee, set up to make a decision on behalf of the people of Warrington, will not provide copies of the minutes because they agreed that "the views of the individual members should not be revealed". Why? All these people agreed to accept responsibility for making this decision - let us see your reasoning in coming to the conclusion that you have. Mr Parrish stated that: " the arguments of the LEA and the objectors were well known" - how were they well known Mr Parrish? Neither you, nor any of your committee met any of us to find out our true depth of knowledge and understanding of the impacts of such a decision. The Deputy Director of Education has recently stated that the meeting was held behind closed doors because certain members had had a recent bad experience at such a meeting. I'm sorry to hear this, but two things spring to mind:

1. If you are not capable of handling emotional outbursts, then don't volunteer to make emotional decisions.

2. Why have you made a decision about a group of people you do not know and have not met?

I am bitterly disappointed in Mr Parrish's statement, (regarding the recent 0FSTED report on St James' School), that "this was published after the committee met on July 17. But the committee was aware that special measures were being recommended " and that the OFSTED statement that "the school is not well placed to deal with further uncertainties and changes that arise through amalgamation proposals" is answered with the reasoning that this is because of "the inability of the school to recruit staff because of the uncertainties of amalgamation, (which have now ended)". Does this mean that OFSTED Inspectors are wrong in their judgement and that St James' regrettable problems are now going to be resolved?

As for the OFSTED report being published after the committee meeting on July 17, the St James' parents received a copy of the summary report on July 21. Meaning that, unfortunately, the report arrived just one or two days after the meeting. Is such an important document not relevant enough to delay such a meeting, for a few days, to allow the information provided therein to be digested by members? Is our LEA unaware of when they are going to receive these reports? Or are Ofsted reports irrelevant?

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the St Werburgh's parents, staff and governors who have worked tirelessly over a long period of time, in accumulating FACTS and figures that would have been relevant in a truly democratic process. We all know the truth behind what has gone on - and we can all sleep restfully at night knowing that we were right to fight this atrocious decision - congratulations on all your efforts. We scared the 'powers that be' so much that they had to manipulate what was supposed to be a democratic process to prevent us from having our say, in a way that was equal to the opportunities given to the Council representatives who made this atrocious decision.

The problem is though it doesn't stop us all from being BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED!


Rydal Avenue

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