MARGARET Bunnell landed a 13lbs 2oz 0dms barbel on her first visit to the River Severn.

Margaret's catch was a magnificent fish by anyone's standards.

I personally know of some long-standing members of the barbel society who continue to long to catch a barbel of more than 9lbs.

At the beginning of the month club chairman, Rick Filipowski, organised a 'Fish-In' on the River Severn at Atcham, with participants fishing pegs on fields 13-15.

The event was run by invitation via the internet and proved to be a great success with some catching their first barbel, while others who were more used to fishing the rivers Stour, Avon, Teme and Wyre, improved their personal bests. Rick is now contemplating organising another event.

While fishing a club match on Sunday, I couldn't help thinking about the mystery and intrigue our sport holds.

An example of this was demonstrated during this match. Tony Middleton and Phil Larkin, fishing side by side, enjoyed mixed fortunes, due to what could only be the fickleness of fish.

Tony, using bread as bait, landed a stream of bream, which led to his winning weight of 31-8-0.

On the very next peg, fishing the same line and method, Phil could not get even a bite using bread. He had to experiment before he started catching bream on luncheon meat.

While on the subject of matches, the women competing in the NFA National on the River Soar, near Loughborough, on Sunday, all deserve a medal for persevering on a water made hard due to its gin-like clarity and bright weather conditions.

However, it was a fair venue and congratulations to Warrington A, who took first team honours.

Aeration equipment was installed on the Old Quay Canal and Willow Pool, both of which have been polluted by phosphates and chicken effluent respectively.

Both waters are enriched by these circumstances and, therefore, both have suffered high weed growth, which caused low oxygen contents, specially at night and early morning.

Neil Jupp.


Sunday Summer Series, Halton Sankey Canal: 1, Tony Middleton, 3lbs 8oz 0dms; 2, Terry Middleton, 15-8-0; 3, Phil Larkin, 13-0-0; 4, Mark Dineley, 11-9-0.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.