THE River Mersey is producing a few mixed catches of roach, chub and small perch but has a long way to go to regain its past form.

Recent matches have been won with low weights of 2lbs. It can only improve, reports please.

Some good news from member Dave Roberts that indicates some fish may have survived the recent pollution on the River Dee. Fishing at Almere Ferry he had small chub and towards the end of his session hit a large fish, which he lost.

The prospects of the Environment Agency finding the culprit do not look promising. It is getting to the stage where only a large reward may tempt someone to 'grass-up' the guilty party.

Perhaps because of the severity of the pollution and phenomenal cost of replacing the fish the EA should consider this, after all they need only pay out on a successful conviction, and the reward may even be recoverable in the roll up of court costs.

Members are bagging up on cruciens, bream and roach at Woodshaw Reservoir. Our working party volunteers are building pegs here. If any member fancies helping contact disabled information officer Keith Hay on 224280.

Sport has slowed on the Trent and Mersey Canal but the Salt Barge area is still producing double figure nets of roach and hybrids to 1lb, fishing the near shelf. Satersford basin is worth a visit for roach or caster over hemp for better quality fish. There are unconfirmed rumours of a massive carp of 34lbs from this basin. Anyone owning up?

Tench sport on Sandiway Small Lake is hectic with a range of fish from four inches to 3lbs taken on pole or rod feeding groundbait laced with maggot, caster, or sweetcorn.

Quality roach, perch and rudd also featuring in catches, but only odd bream being caught.

Malcolm Crawshaw reports a good session on the large lake when his Richworth crab and mussel mini-boilies produced two mirror carp of 24lbs and 19lbs, a common of 15lbs, plus six tench to 8lbs. All fish were taken at short range.

The Ribble at Balderstone is still producing some specimen barbel with fish reported to 9-4-0 plus chub to 5lbs. Mark Bowen fished the downstream limit of our Association owned stretch at Hurst Green to net 20 chub up to 4-8-0 and four small barbel to 4lbs on legered meat.

Congratulations to our women's squad who won Team Gold in the Embassy NFA National Championships on the River Soar at Loughborough on Saturday.

The winning team, consisting of Helen Thompson, Marion Wharmby, Lynne Lawton and Pam Wyatt, won by 10gms with a weight of 3.7 over Boston AA Blue who had 3.5. Our other teams came in at seventh and 14th and we had section medal winners Sandi Alcock and Wendy Lythgoe.

HQ Parker Street is open on Friday night for subscriptions, new members, or a chat. I can be contacted on 01928 716238, fax 713898.

Members must lock gates behind them.

Frank Lythgoe

Warrington anglers' Association results:

Disabled & Over 60s: 1, Doug Thom 6-2-0; 2, Barry Holbrook 4-10-0; 3, Vin Walsh 4-7-0; 4, Dennis Bates 3-8-0.

Women's Summer Series: 1, Marion Wharmby 4-12-0; 2, Pam Wyatt 4-8-3; 3, Helen Thompson 3-1-0; 4, Lynda Lythgoe 2-5-9

Summer Series: Minnows: 1, Jamie Hirst 2-4-12; 2, Lee Andrews 1-5-13;

3, Jonathon Andrews 1-5-12; 4, Adam Tyler 0-15-12.

Juniors: 1, Andy Caldwell 2-3-1; 2, Tony Bruce 1-9-1; 3, Neil Jones 1-7-13.

Intermediate: Mike Savage 2-2-1.

Harold Smith Cup: 1, Robert Leatherbarrow 3-7-5; 2, Chris Harding 3-1-0;

3, Paul Savage 2-11-2.

Coming events: Saturday: Nat West Young Angler (Ackers Pit), draw at noon, tickets £1. Contact secretary for details (Fishery closed until 5pm).

Monday: Disabled & Over 60s, draw at 10.30am at Star Inn (pegs 921-961).

Tuesday: Senior Sweepstake, draw at 5.30pm at Cliffe Lane (pegs 591-620).

Women's Summer Series, draw at 5.30pm on bank at Walton (pegs 303-325); Honorary & OAPs, draw at 1.30pm on bank at Keckwick Br/Daresbury Labs (pegs 120-160).

Wednesday: National squad fund match, draw at 3pm at Beech Road (pegs 384-415); Police Young Angler (Series), draw at 6pm at Cliffe Lane Br. (pegs 622-650).

Thursday: Intermediate / Junior / Minnows series, draw at 6pm on bank at Euclid Ave (pegs 550-588).

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.