THE meeting to consider approval for Warrington Wolves' planned new stadium will start at 5pm on August 23 and will be broadcast on a speaker system.

Development control meetings usually kick-off at 6.30pm but the Tesco/Wolves application has prompted an earlier start.

A council spokesman said: "The Tesco application is expected to take quite a long time to consider, maybe about an hour. So the meeting will start early to discuss this application first."

A large number of fans are expected to turn up to support the Wolves' application and are planning to congregate on the Town Hall lawn.

Some supporters will be allowed into the chamber where the meeting will take place but due to the size of the room the numbers will be limited.

However, the council has decided to set up speakers in the Town Hall foyer, the No.1 committee room and on the Town Hall steps so that fans can hear the council's officers and members plus the developers speak.

More images of the proposed new multi-million pounds stadium adjacent to a Tesco superstore on Winwick Road have been released by Alfred McAlpine this week.

A shot of the main stand, from the outside, is currently on view on the GUARDIAN's stadium website which can be found at

More pictures, including the whole stadium and Tesco superstore, will be in next Thursday's GUARDIAN.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.