MORE bobbies will be joining the beat in Cheshire after police bosses announced a cash boost to pay for extra officers.

The Home Office agreed to the additional funding on Friday, and the cash will be used to recruit even more officers over the next three years.

A total of 86 new policing posts were announced in 1999 which, when put together with these latest posts, will mean 147 new bobbies on the beat by 2003.

In the past few months the constabulary has mounted a vigorous recruitment campaign aimed at encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to consider policing as a career.

Deputy Chief Constable Ian Holding welcomed the Home Office announcement. He said: "The Cheshire Constabulary sets very high standards when it recruits new police officers.

"We are looking for people who care about this community and who want to be part of an organisation that is committed to public service.

"Over the next three years we will welcome men and women from many different backgrounds. These new recruits will play an important role as the constabulary redoubles its efforts to reduce crime and maintain community safety."

Police authority chairman Moira Chapman also saw the announcement as "very good news".

She commented: "At the police forums we hold throughout the area, people have repeatedly told us they want to see a greater investment in policing and more officers to undertake the important task of safeguarding our community.

"Friday's announcement means the authority will be able to respond positively to public calls for more policing by working with the constabulary to increase the number of police officers.

"This is very good news for the future."

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