BURTONWOOD Carnival is in a bit of a crisis - because organisers cannot seem to find anyone interested in entering a float!

On Monday, August 28, Burtonwood recreation ground will come alive to the buzz and hum of the annual village carnival - but organisers have struck upon a problem.

Despite having arranged for a variety of attractions to run throughout the day, hardly anyone has entered a float in this year's procession.

Carnival secretary Val Lawton said: "Things are going quite well, but so far we haven't got any floats. We've asked pretty much everyone we can think of, but nobody has got back to us.

"We can't have a carnival without a procession - that makes it what it is! We could also do with some stewards and help with the stalls."

Should enough floats eventually be entered - the procession will follow Fairtree Lane, Chapel Lane, Clay Lane, Hayley Road South and North and on to the recreation ground.

The special day will also see out-going village queen Hannah Burgess crown this year's queen, nine-year-old Victoria Taylor.

Things kick off at 12.30pm on the day and attractions lined up include a special Burtonwood Bulldogs rugby match, Silcock's Fair, Irish Dancing and line-dancing, Jumbo the Clown and donkey races among others.

Anyone interested in helping out on the day - or entering a float - can call Val on 223327.

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