EXTRA classrooms are to be provided at Hungerford County Primary School to cope with increasing demand.

A new double mobile classroom will be constructed behind the main building on School Crescent, Crewe, during the summer.

Plans received the green light at the county council's environment planning and operations sub-committee meeting.

The application was referred to the sub-committee after objections had been received from residents of neighbouring properties.

Originally the structure was to have been 10 metres from the rear gardens of properties on Coleridge Way and concerns were voiced over noise nuisance and visual intrusion.

Complaints were answered by moving the classrooms a further 20 metres away from the gardens and providing additional trees to minimise the visual impact for neighbouring properties.

Hungerford Head Mr Lowe said the additional classrooms were essential.

"We've needed it for some time as the numbers have been gradually rising.

"More space means better facilities for children and the teachers. The mobile classrooms are brand new and are of a good standard. It's not like having a caravan!

"In the future we would like to build a permanent building."

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