FOR over 30 years ice cream lovers have been drawn to the Forest Cafe at Delamere's Hatchmere crossroads to delight in the unique taste of ice cream home-made on the premises.

The present owners of the cafe, Simon and Sandy Wright, still make Delamere Ice Cream to the same traditional recipe and have built on its reputation over the last two years by increasing the range of flavours.

This year, however, they have really 'got serious' about their ice cream in order to make it a 'fun' experience for customers.

"We now offer a mouthwatering range of toppings for customers to mix and match with the ice cream flavours - anything from mini marshmallows to orange chocolate shavings," says Sandy. And to mark this new approach to ice cream the cafe has been given a new look and a new name - the Delamere Ice Cream Experience

"We still do all the meals, drinks and takeaway food that we've always done, just boosted the ice cream side of the business," said Sandy.

Open seven days a week, Delamere Ice Cream Experience is located at Hatchmere crossroads, close to Delamere Forest.

Symbolising the fun you can have with ice cream, Delamere Ice Cream Experience is now offering exploding ice cream!

Exploding ice cream is created by dipping the customer's chosen flavour of ice cream into a vat of chocolate popping candy. Lick... wait a few seconds... then feel the ice cream explode on your tongue!

TO win yourself a year's worth of delicious Delamere Ice Cream all you have to do is draw or paint a picture of a person/people enjoying the amazing, exploding ice cream. "The zanier the better!" says Sandy Wright.

The winner will receive 52 'free ice cream' vouchers - one for every week of the year - to be spent at Delamere Ice Cream Experience. You can save them all for yourself or share them with friends and family. Each voucher is worth £1.50 giving you plenty of scope to mix and match the ice cream flavours, cones and toppings.

Send your pictures to Scoopy the Guardian Cat at Guardian Newspapers, 15 Market Street, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5DT. Entries must be on maximum A3 paper or card, marked clearly on the reverse with the entrant's name, address, telephone number and age. Pictures may be used for future advertising purposes. The competition is open to anyone aged 16 and under. Closing date for entries August 23, 2000. The editor's decision is final. Usual Guardian rules apply.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.