What nonsense.

Local police do a superb job, despite their lack of modern equipment, so that Knutsford has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

Indeed, this is the excuse the borough council uses for not giving them CCTV.

To patrol the town centre and Moor 24 hours a day would need dozens of extra officers costing millions of pounds each year.

CCTV cameras would do so for very little cost, and enable our police to cover a much wider area.

Two years ago Macclesfield got CCTV, we had our cemetery railings painted.

Last year Poynton got CCTV, we got a year-long study to decide how much our parking fees would increase.

It is no use local people moaning about our lack of up-to-date security measures.

When it comes to where our council taxes are spent, we get what we vote for.

Which is a shame


Elizabeth Gaskell Court


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