The mother had agreed to look after the jewellery for her daughter and decided to put it in the old jacket for safe-keeping.

"She felt if she was burgled that thieves would ignore the old coat," said her friend Sheila Somerville.

Mrs Somerville yesterday contacted the Knutsford Guardian in a desperate bid to find the coat.

She told how her friend's daughter, who was widowed at 22, had asked her mum to look after the jewellery when a fire left her homeless.

"She is absolutely heartbroken and hasn't told her daughter yet because she does not want to upset her even more," she said.

A woman, believed to be in her 60s, bought the fawn-coloured anorak at the Chelford market on July 23.

"My friend is devastated and we have been back to Chelford to see if we can find the lady," said Mrs Somerville.

"We just think if she is an honest person surely she would think she doesn't want these things."

The two women are offering a 'substantial reward' for the return of the jewellery.

If you can help call Mrs Sommerville on 0161 998 2546.

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