Cheshire County Council had promised to install a traffic island and an extra set of traffic lights at the Toft Road pelican crossing opposite Mr Chips.

But this week it emerged that the scheme may be scrapped because it could affect trade at businesses nearby.

"The scheme is being reviewed but nothing is being ruled out yet," said council spokesman Ian McAllister.

"I cannot confirm whether the plans for the island have been abandoned or not." Calls for improved safety followed several near-misses on the pelican crossing.

Drivers blamed lorries on the inside lane for obstructing the view of the red traffic lights.

But businesses nearby feared an island would affect trade, with cars unable to park in front of their premises.

"There must be better ways to improve its safety," said Robert Manley, owner Knutsford Dry Cleaners.

Mr Chips' manager Sam Farquhar agreed it was a dangerous junction.

"I've seen a few pedestrians in near-miss situations," she said. "But the amount of traffic on the road already affects access to the car park. An island would make it worse."

Yesterday Knutsford's County Councillor Bert Grange said Toft Road was not wide enough for an island.

But he said the crossing could be moved to the other side of Marcliff Grove.

"I am meeting planners next week to discuss the possibility," he said.

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